Social Participation, Respect, & Inclusion Workgroup
We invite you to join us in our effort to make Louisville a place where people of all ages and abilities can lead lives that thrive from stroller to walker. Click on the below workgroups to learn about our projects and how you can get involved!

Vision: Louisville will have accessible, affordable and fun social activities that emphasize intergenerational participation.
Photo by AP x 90 on Unsplash
Create social engagement programs.
Develop one-on-one communication outlets for older adults to reduce isolation and loneliness (mentorship).
Build relationships with community partners
Increasing multigenerational offerings of affordable fun social activities.
Photo by Jorge Lopez on Unsplash
Improve community cohesion to guard against elder abuse.
Determine what trainings are already established through reaching out to Department of Social Services, Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD), medical professionals, etc.
Develop training program to recognize and take action against challenges that can arise from older adult isolation and loneliness, such as elder abuse and increased risk of suicide.
Meet Our Facilitators

Rita Morrow
Rita Morrow is one of the facilitators for the Age Friendly Louisville Social Participation, Respect & Inclusion Domain. She is also a member of the Age Friendly Leadership Team and one of Kentucky representatives on the AARP Livable Communities team. She is passionate about making our communities friendly and livable for ALL ages; 8 to 80; from stroller to walker.
Rita is Re-imagining Life after retirement from YUM Brands, as an accounting manager.
Rita's reimagined Life includes being apart of AARP Tax Preparation, the Louisville Community Outreach and Education Team and Driver Safety, an audit consulting business with her husband, volunteering with her church in local missions, financial mentoring, and being active with the graduate chapter of her sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha
Rita is also a wife, mother and grandmother with a dedication to serving.

Chris Clements
Christopher J. Clements is one of three facilitators for the Age Friendly Louisville Social Participation, Respect & Inclusion Domain. He has been involved for two years with Age Friendly Louisville. He currently works and has spent the last 3 years with Louisville Metro Government as the Program Coordinator for Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). He is also Adjunct Instructor at Jefferson Community Technical College (JCTC) with their English as Second Language (ESL)/Humanities Program.
Prior to these two current jobs he worked 11.5 years as the Community Resource Developer for Catholic Charities Migration & Refugee Services Program.
Christopher Clements remains an active volunteer in the community with 20+ organizations/civic groups/faith based/scholastic including Radio Eye, Kentucky Refugee Ministries, and Project Warm.
Being a Dad of four children and happily married nearly 20 years, he has no plans of slowing down. Christopher Clements is determined to help make Louisville an Age Friendly community for everyone!

Terri Thomas
Terri Thomas currently serve’s as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Community And Family Empowerment (CAFÉ). Mrs. Thomas is responsible for the management, supervision and the day-to-day operations of the agency that supports individuals with disabilities and their families. Mrs. Thomas served six (6) years in the United States Army. Mrs. Thomas earned her Associates degree from St. Louis Community College and her Bachelors, and Masters, degree from Indiana University Southeast. Mrs. Thomas has over 20 years of experience in the social service and human service field. In addition, Mrs. Thomas has extensive experience working with abused and neglected children, homeless population, families in crisis and individuals with disabilities. Mrs. Thomas has over 15 years of experience in community development, program development and management, budgeting and administration. Mrs. Thomas founded and directed Families First Inc. in St. Louis Missouri for four years. Mrs. Thomas developed and facilitated a variety training’s focusing on advocacy, disabilities, safety, cultural diversity, peer leadership, mentoring, mediation, families in transition, program evaluation, grief counseling, human rights, cultural diversity and parenting.
Got Passion for Leadership?
Become a Worgroup Facilitator!
Email us at age-friendly@louisville.edu to learn how you can become a leader with Age-Friendly Louisville